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Collaborative Care

Let's work together to support lactating families!

Collaboration for specialty services available in Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont & West Virginia.

Lactation Providers

If you are an IBCLC, CLC, doula or other professional that provides breastfeeding support, we can work together on issues beyond your scope of practice or area of expertise.

I offer telehealth visits for:

  • Complex Low Milk Supply Evaluation and Labs

  • Evaluation and treatment of medical conditions associated with lactation 

You continue to provide hands-on lactation support and I can manage the advanced care. You will receive a consult report and will always be in the loop! You are welcome to complete the Provider Referral form here if you'd like me to reach out to the client and assist with scheduling. 

Image by Becca Tapert
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